I've been working in various areas of machine learning, computer graphics and vision.
Hindering Adversarial Attacks with Implicit Neural Representations
Andrei A. Rusu,
Dan Andrei Calian,
Sven Gowal,
Raia Hadsell
ICML 2022
Abstract / PDF / BibTeX
We introduce the Lossy Implicit Network Activation Coding (LINAC) defence, an input transformation which successfully hinders several common adversarial attacks on CIFAR-10 classifiers for perturbations up to 8/255 in Linf norm and 0.5 in L2 norm. Implicit neural representations are used to approximately encode pixel colour intensities in 2D images such that classifiers trained on transformed data appear to have robustness to small perturbations without adversarial training or large drops in performance. The seed of the random number generator used to initialise and train the implicit neural representation turns out to be necessary information for stronger generic attacks, suggesting its role as a private key. We devise a Parametric Bypass Approximation (PBA) attack strategy for key-based defences, which successfully invalidates an existing method in this category. Interestingly, our LINAC defence also hinders some transfer and adaptive attacks, including our novel PBA strategy. Our results emphasise the importance of a broad range of customised attacks despite apparent robustness according to standard evaluations.
Improving Robustness using Generated Data
Sven Gowal*,
Sylvestre-Alvise Rebuffi*,
Olivia Wiles,
Florian Stimberg,
Dan Andrei Calian,
Timothy A. Mann
NeurIPS 2021
Abstract / PDF / Supplemental / BibTeX
Recent work argues that robust training requires substantially larger datasets than those required for standard classification. On CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, this translates into a sizable robust-accuracy gap between models trained solely on data from the original training set and those trained with additional data extracted from the 80 Million Tiny Images dataset (TI-80M). In this paper, we explore how generative models trained solely on the original training set can be leveraged to artificially increase the size of the original training set and improve adversarial robustness to ℓp norm-bounded perturbations. We identify the sufficient conditions under which incorporating additional generated data can improve robustness, and demonstrate that it is possible to significantly reduce the robust-accuracy gap to models trained with additional real data. Surprisingly, we even show that even the addition of non-realistic random data (generated by Gaussian sampling) can improve robustness. We evaluate our approach on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN and TinyImageNet against ℓ∞ and ℓ2 norm-bounded perturbations of size ϵ=8/255 and ϵ=128/255, respectively. We show large absolute improvements in robust accuracy compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. Against ℓ∞ norm-bounded perturbations of size ϵ=8/255, our models achieve 66.10% and 33.49% robust accuracy on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, respectively (improving upon the state-of-the-art by +8.96% and +3.29%). Against ℓ2 norm-bounded perturbations of size ϵ=128/255, our model achieves 78.31% on CIFAR-10 (+3.81%). These results beat most prior works that use external data.
Data Augmentation can Improve Robustness
Sylvestre-Alvise Rebuffi*,
Sven Gowal*,
Dan Andrei Calian,
Florian Stimberg,
Olivia Wiles,
Timothy A. Mann
NeurIPS 2021
Abstract / PDF / Supplemental PDF / BibTeX
Adversarial training suffers from robust overfitting, a phenomenon where the robust test accuracy starts to decrease during training. In this paper, we focus on reducing robust overfitting by using common data augmentation schemes. We demonstrate that, contrary to previous findings, when combined with model weight averaging, data augmentation can significantly boost robust ccuracy. Furthermore, we compare various data augmentations techniques and observe that spatial composition techniques work best for adversarial training. Finally, we evaluate our approach on CIFAR-10 against `∞ and `2 norm-bounded perturbations of size ϵ = 8/255 and ϵ = 128/255, respectively. We show large absolute improvements of +2.93% and +2.16% in robust accuracy compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. In particular, against `∞ norm-bounded perturbations of size ϵ = 8/255, our model reaches 60.07% robust accuracy without using any external data. We also achieve a significant performance boost with this approach while using other architectures and datasets such as CIFAR-100, SVHN and TinyImageNet.
Defending Against Image Corruptions Through Adversarial Augmentations
Dan Andrei Calian,
Florian Stimberg,
Olivia Wiles,
Sylvestre-Alvise Rebuffi,
András György,
Timothy A. Mann,
Sven Gowal
arXiv, April 2021
Abstract / PDF / Video / BibTeX
Modern neural networks excel at image classification, yet they remain vulnerable to common image corruptions such as blur, speckle noise or fog. Recent methods that focus on this problem, such as AugMix and DeepAugment, introduce defenses that operate in expectation over a distribution of image corruptions. In contrast, the literature on ℓp-norm bounded perturbations focuses on defenses against worst-case corruptions. In this work, we reconcile both approaches by proposing AdversarialAugment, a technique which optimizes the parameters of image-to-image models to generate adversarially corrupted augmented images. We theoretically motivate our method and give sufficient conditions for the consistency of its idealized version as well as that of DeepAugment. Our classifiers improve upon the state-of-the-art on common image corruption benchmarks conducted in expectation on CIFAR-10-C and improve worst-case performance against ℓp-norm bounded perturbations on both CIFAR-10 and ImageNet.
Fixing Data Augmentation to Improve Adversarial Robustness
Sylvestre-Alvise Rebuffi*,
Sven Gowal*,
Dan Andrei Calian,
Florian Stimberg,
Olivia Wiles,
Timothy A. Mann
arXiv, March 2021
Abstract / PDF / BibTeX
Adversarial training suffers from robust overfitting, a phenomenon where the robust test accuracy starts to decrease during training. In this paper, we focus on both heuristics-driven and data-driven augmentations as a means to reduce robust overfitting. First, we demonstrate that, contrary to previous findings, when combined with model weight averaging, data augmentation can significantly boost robust accuracy. Second, we explore how state-of-the-art generative models can be leveraged to artificially increase the size of the training set and further improve adversarial robustness. Finally, we evaluate our approach on CIFAR-10 against ℓ∞ and ℓ2 norm-bounded perturbations of size ϵ=8/255 and ϵ=128/255, respectively. We show large absolute improvements of +7.06% and +5.88% in robust accuracy compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. In particular, against ℓ∞ norm-bounded perturbations of size ϵ=8/255, our model reaches 64.20% robust accuracy without using any external data, beating most prior works that use external data.
Robust Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control with Model Misspecification
Daniel Mankowitz*,
Dan Andrei Calian*,
Rae Jeong,
Cosmin Paduraru,
Nicolas Heess,
Sumanth Dathathri,
Martin Riedmiller,
Timothy A. Mann
arXiv, October 2020
Abstract / PDF / BibTeX
Many real-world physical control systems are required to satisfy constraints upon deployment. Furthermore, real-world systems are often subject to effects such as non-stationarity, wear-and-tear, uncalibrated sensors and so on. Such effects effectively perturb the system dynamics and can cause a policy trained successfully in one domain to perform poorly when deployed to a perturbed version of the same domain. This can affect a policy's ability to maximize future rewards as well as the extent to which it satisfies constraints. We refer to this as constrained model misspecification. We present an algorithm that mitigates this form of misspecification, and showcase its performance in multiple simulated Mujoco tasks from the Real World Reinforcement Learning (RWRL) suite.
Balancing Constraints and Rewards with Meta-Gradient D4PG
Dan Andrei Calian*,
Daniel Mankowitz*,
Tom Zahavy,
Zhongwen Xu,
Junhyuk Oh,
Nir Levine,
Timothy A. Mann
ICLR 2021
Abstract / PDF / BibTeX
Deploying Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents to solve real-world applications often requires satisfying complex system constraints. Often the constraint thresholds are incorrectly set due to the complex nature of a system or the inability to verify the thresholds offline (e.g, no simulator or reasonable offline evaluation procedure exists). This results in solutions where a task cannot be solved without violating the constraints. However, in many real-world cases, constraint violations are undesirable yet they are not catastrophic, motivating the need for soft-constrained RL approaches. We present a soft-constrained RL approach that utilizes meta-gradients to find a good trade-off between expected return and minimizing constraint violations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach by showing that it consistently outperforms the baselines across four different MuJoCo domains.
The NodeHopper: Enabling Low Latency Ranking with Constraints via a Fast Dual Solver
Anton Zhernov*,
Krishnamurthy Dvijotham*,
Ivan Lobov*,
Dan Andrei Calian,
Michelle Gong,
Natarajan Chandrashekar,
Timothy A. Mann
KDD 2020
Abstract / PDF / BibTeX
Modern recommender systems need to deal with multiple objectives like balancing user engagement with recommending diverse and fresh content. An appealing way to optimally trade these off is by imposing constraints on the ranking according to which items are presented to a user. This results in a constrained ranking optimization problem that can be solved as a linear program (LP). However, off-the-shelf LP solvers are unable to meet the severe latency constraints in systems that serve live traffic. To address this challenge, we exploit the structure of the dual optimization problem to develop a fast solver. We analyze theoretical properties of our solver and show experimentally that it is able to solve constrained ranking problems on synthetic and real-world recommendation datasets an order of magnitude faster than off-the-shelf solvers, thereby enabling their deployment under severe latency constraints.
Spatially Coherent Randomized Attention Maps
Dan Andrei Calian*,
Peter Roelants*,
Jacques Calì,
Ben Carr,
Krishna Dubba,
John Reid,
Dell Zhang
arXiv, May 2019
Abstract / PDF / BibTeX
Attention mechanisms and non-local mean operations in general are key ingredients in many state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. In particular, the Transformer model based on multi-head self-attention has recently achieved great success in natural language processing and computer vision. However, the vanilla algorithm computing the Transformer of an image with n pixels has O(n^2) complexity, which is often painfully slow and sometimes prohibitively expensive for large-scale image data. In this paper, we propose a fast randomized algorithm --- SCRAM --- that only requires O(n log(n)) time to produce an image attention map. Such a dramatic acceleration is attributed to our insight that attention maps on real-world images usually exhibit (1) spatial coherence and (2) sparse structure. The central idea of SCRAM is to employ PatchMatch, a randomized correspondence algorithm, to quickly pinpoint the most compatible key (argmax) for each query first, and then exploit that knowledge to design a sparse approximation to non-local mean operations. Using the argmax (mode) to dynamically construct the sparse approximation distinguishes our algorithm from all of the existing sparse approximate methods and makes it very efficient. Moreover, SCRAM is a broadly applicable approximation to any non-local mean layer in contrast to some other sparse approximations that can only approximate self-attention. Our preliminary experimental results suggest that SCRAM is indeed promising for speeding up or scaling up the computation of attention maps in the Transformer.
From Faces to Outdoor Light Probes
Dan Andrei Calian,
Jean-François Lalonde,
Paulo Gotardo,
Tomas Simon,
Iain Matthews,
Kenny Mitchell
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2018)
Abstract / PDF / Supplemental PDF / Slides / Official PDF / BibTeX
Image-based lighting has allowed the creation of photo-realistic computer-generated content. However, it requires the accurate capture of the illumination conditions, a task neither easy nor intuitive, especially to the average digital photography enthusiast. This paper presents an approach to directly estimate an HDR light probe from a single LDR photograph, shot outdoors with a consumer camera, without specialized calibration targets or equipment. Our insight is to use a person’s face as an outdoor light probe. To estimate HDR light probes from LDR faces we use an inverse rendering approach which employs data-driven priors to guide the estimation of realistic, HDR lighting. We build compact, realistic representations of outdoor lighting both parametrically and in a data-driven way, by training a deep convolutional autoencoder on a large dataset of HDR sky environment maps. Our approach can recover high-frequency, extremely high dynamic range lighting environments. For quantitative evaluation of lighting estimation accuracy and relighting accuracy, we also contribute a new database of face photographs with corresponding HDR light probes. We show that relighting objects with HDR light probes estimated by our method yields realistic results in a wide variety of settings.
3D-Printing of Non-Assembly, Articulated Models
Jacques Calì,
Dan Andrei Calian,
Cristina Amati,
Rebecca Kleinberger,
Anthony Steed,
Jan Kautz,
Tim Weyrich
ACM Transaction on Graphics (Proceedings SIGGRAPH Asia 2012)
Abstract / PDF / Slides / Video / Official PDF / BibTeX
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) is commonly used to produce physical models for a wide variety of applications, from archaeology to design. While static models are directly supported, it is desirable to also be able to print models with functional articulations, such as a hand with joints and knuckles, without the need for manual assembly of joint components. Apart from having to address limitations inherent to the printing process, this poses a particular challenge for articulated models that should be posable: to allow the model to hold a pose, joints need to exhibit internal friction to withstand gravity, without their parts fusing during 3D printing. This has not been possible with previous printable joint designs. In this paper, we propose a method for converting 3D models into printable, functional, non-assembly models with internal friction. To this end, we have designed an intuitive workflow that takes an appropriately rigged 3D model, automatically fits novel 3D-printable and posable joints, and provides an interface for specifying rotational constraints. We show a number of results for different articulated models, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.
The Shading Probe: Fast Appearance Acquisition for Mobile AR
Dan Andrei Calian,
Kenny Mitchell,
Derek Nowrouzezahrai,
Jan Kautz
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Briefs
Abstract / PDF / Video (Rendering) / Video (Acquisition) / Official PDF / BibTeX
The ubiquity of mobile devices with powerful processors and integrated video cameras is re-opening the discussion on practical augmented reality (AR). Despite this technological convergence, several issues prevent reliable and immersive AR on these platforms. We address one such problem, the shading of virtual objects and determination of lighting that remains consistent with the surrounding environment. We design a novel light probe and exploit its structure to permit an efficient reformulation of the rendering equation that is suitable for fast shading on mobile devices. Unlike prior approaches, our shading probe directly captures the shading, and not the incident light, in a scene. As such, we avoid costly and unreliable radiometric calibration as well as side-stepping the need for complex shading algorithms. Moreover, we can tailor the shading probe’s structure to better handle common lighting scenarios, such as outdoor settings. We achieve high-performance shading of virtual objects in an AR context, incorporating plausible local global illumination effects, on mobile platforms.
Integrating memetic search into the BioHEL evolutionary learning system for large-scale datasets
Dan Andrei Calian,
Jaume Bacardit
Memetic Computing 2013
Abstract / PDF / Official PDF / BibTeX
Local search methods are widely used to improve the performance of evolutionary computation algorithms in all kinds of domains. Employing advanced and efficient exploration mechanisms becomes crucial in complex and very large (in terms of search space) problems, such as when employing evolutionary algorithms to large-scale data mining tasks. Recently, the GAssist Pittsburgh evolutionary learning system was extended with memetic operators for discrete representations that use information from the supervised learning process to heuristically edit classification rules and rule sets. In this paper we first adapt some of these operators to BioHEL, a different evolutionary learning system applying the iterative learning approach, and afterwards propose versions of these operators designed for continuous attributes and for dealing with noise. The performance of all these operators and their combination is extensively evaluated on a broad range of synthetic large-scale datasets to identify the settings that present the best balance between efficiency and accuracy. Finally, the identified best configurations are compared with other classes of machine learning methods on both synthetic and real-world large-scale datasets and show very competent performance.